Thursday, May 26, 2011

GTUG Fil Sg 2nd Meetup

The 2nd GTUG Fil SG meetup was held at Starbucks, 8 Shenton Way, the attendees were five GTUG Fil SG members and Aileen Apollo of Google. The meet up turned out to be a fun and productive meeting, Nikki 'volunteered' to be the first resource person for Google AppEngine (well actually we volunteered him). He will be sharing to the group his expertise in GAE and Carl will be handling the logistics of the venue. Hoping to see the other members to be more active and participate with the group's activities. On the next meetup I’ll be giving away Google stickers and keychains, so see you guys on the next meetup!

Randell, Nikki, Carl, Bryan, Aileen and Elvin
 More pictures from Aileen's album 

Welcome to GTUG Fil SG!

We are inviting all Filipino developers in Singapore, who are interested to learn and share about google technology. Meet new people and learn something new about google technology.

Watch out for more activities of the group, we will be posting soon details about talks, seminars and meetups regarding google technologies (android, appengine etc).

To join the group register here